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2020 Jaartema "SHIFT"

Die Here het in 2019 dit baie sterk op my hart gelê dat Hy wil hê die gemeente moet opnuut besef dat Hy ons veilige vaste anker is. Hy is ons hoop! 2019 was besonders en hierdie tema was sentraal tot ons bediening by Klein-Karoo Gemeente. Ons gee die Here al die eer vir elke persoon wat hierdeur aangeraak en vrygemaak is.
Die Here het teen einde 2019 vir my die volgende gedagte gegee rondom 2020 en die begin van ‘n groot verandering en skuif (“Shift”) in die geestesdimensie asook die fisiese aard van dinge. Die skrifgedeelte wat ek gekry het en wat hierdie jaar ons kernskrif is by Klein-Karoo Gemeente is Jasaja 43:18-21:

“Vergeet al die dinge wat in die verlede gebeur het. Dis niks in vergelyking met wat Ek nou gaan doen nie.Ek gaan iets nuuts doen. Dit het alreeds begin gebeur! Sien julle dit nie? Ek maak ’n pad deur die woestyn vir my volk om huis toe te kom! Ek maak vir hulle riviere in die woestyn! Die wilde diere sal dankbaar wees daaroor. Die jakkalse en die volstruise sal bly wees omdat Ek vir hulle water in die woestyn gee. Ek maak fonteine in die woestyn sodat my uitverkore volk hulle dors kan les. Ek het hierdie volk vir Myself gemaak sodat hulle My sal eer.”

Rick Joyner skryf die volgende in ‘n artikel in Charisma Magazine wat vir my so sterk aansluit by dit wat die Here aan ons openbaar vir hierdie jaar en verder in die nuwe dekade:

Rick Joyner: Prepare for a Spiritual Atomic-Like Explosion in 2020

The first will be a growing relationship and union with the Lord. Many have begun to experience the greatest times they have ever had in their relationship with the Lord. For those who seek Him, this will continually increase. There will also be an increasing unity and cooperation between individuals, ministries and movements. We are told in Ecclesiastes 4 that two are better than one, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken.
Therefore, wherever two or three begin to unite in purpose, there will be a multiplication of power and fruitfulness. The demonstration of this will cause a cascading affect that will draw others into the great movements of the future. This will release more definition and focus to the body of Christ than it has had in generations. This is the beginning of what, over the next decade, will eclipse the experiences of the first-century church.

As this is taking place in the spirit, the fracturing and divisions in the natural will also increase. The verses that I was given for this were Hebrews 12:25-29:
See that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused Him who spoke on earth, much less shall we escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven. At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has given us a promise, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also heaven. "And this statement, "Yet once more," signifies the removal of those things that can be shaken, things that are created, so that only those things that cannot be shaken will remain.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, let us be gracious, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
Following the Lord in all that we do is no longer just an option. It will be increasingly costly to disregard the word of the Lord or His guidance in our lives. This is because of His love for us, as was emphasized earlier in Hebrews 12. He must prepare His people for the time when not heeding His voice can be devastating or even fatal. So, the discipline and consequences of this will increase in speed and degree. However, the fruit of obeying will likewise increase.

Standing on the Rock in a Time of Shaking

The national, cultural, religious and economic fault lines will all become increasingly unstable, and the tremors will grow throughout the world. Major shaking will break out where it was thought to be stable and secure. The right interpretation of the signs of the times is to disengage from those things that can be shaken and resolutely give ourselves to the kingdom that cannot be shaken. If we have built our lives on the rock, no worldly storm can bring us down. Those who have built their lives on the rock will begin to pull many from the shifting quick sands of this world.
Keeping Him first in our devotion and affection, seeking first His kingdom in every major decision, is the most important principle in how to build our lives on the Rock. Those who do this have nothing to fear from the times, but they will grow in righteousness, peace and joy. That is the nature of the kingdom.

A Time of Harvest and of Champions

We are now entering the harvest that is the end of the age. The greatest move of God that has ever been is now upon us. The greatest ingathering into the kingdom is just beginning. There has never been anything like it before, and there will not be anything like it again. These are the times that all the righteous of old and even the angels desired to see, and we are here to live in them.
The deep darkness that is now spreading over the people will only make the light appear that much brighter. Just as the greatest prophets arose during the greatest times of Israel's apostasy, great champions are about to be released throughout the world, preaching the Good News of the coming kingdom. The result will be that the nations will come to the light (see Isa. 60:1-5). Don't ever forget that the light will ultimately win; the truth will ultimately prevail; and we too will prevail if we walk in His light and His truth.

Kom wees saam met ons deel van iets groter as jouself in 2020. Saam is ons steeds besig om die droom te realiseer tot eer van die Here.